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MariaDB Galera Cluster with Corosync/Pacemaker VIP

Sometimes customers want to have a very simple Galera Cluster set-up. They do not want to invest into machines and build up the know-how for load balancers in front of the Galera Cluster.

MariaDB Master/Master GTID based Replication with keepalived VIP

Important: FromDual does NOT recommend to use an automated VIP failover technology as described below for a MariaDB/MySQL Master/Master Replication. In such a topology we recommend a manual VIP failover with prepared scripts!

Some of our customers still want to have old-style MariaDB Master/Master Replication Clusters. Time goes by, new technologies appear but some old stuff still remains.

Making HAProxy High Available for MySQL Galera Cluster

After properly installing and testing a Galera Cluster we see that the set-up is not finished yet. It needs something in front of the Galera Cluster that balances the load over all nodes.

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