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Making HAProxy High Available for MySQL Galera Cluster

After properly installing and testing a Galera Cluster we see that the set-up is not finished yet. It needs something in front of the Galera Cluster that balances the load over all nodes.

Automatitisiertes Starten und Stoppen der Canias ERP Applikation

Beim Betrieb der Canias ERP Applikation stösst man unweigerlich früher oder später auf das lästige Verhalten, dass eine Konsole mit der Canias RMI Registry Applikation offen gehalten werden muss.

MySQL HA (high availability) Cluster cookbook

In the following article I have summarized some steps and hints to set-up a MySQL active/passive failover Cluster also sometimes called MySQL HA.

With such a set-up you can achieve a 99.99% (4x9) HA set-up for MySQL (52 minutes downtime per year). The same procedure also works for PostgreSQL, Oracle and other database systems running on Linux (DRBD runs on Linux only).

The concept

The concept of an active/passive failover Cluster is the following:

Test application for MySQL high availability (HA) set-up

When I set-up a MySQL HA environment for customers I usually do some final failover tests after configuring the whole beast.

To check if the application behaves like expected I always run my little test application ( from the server(s) where the customers application runs. It displays "graphically" how the application behaves and you can show to the customer immediately what is going on...

Make sure, that you point it to the virtual IP (VIP) or the load balancer (LB).

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