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MySQL Binary Log Filter does not work
Wed, 2015-10-21 05:23 — oli
Hello all
We use the following binary log filter for filtering out some schemata.
binlog-ignore-db = mysql, information_schema, test
What is wrong with this filter it somehow does not work: :-(
Best regards,
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Hi Oli
there are different things to mention:
) notation is for command line options (--binlog-ignore-db
) the underscore (_
) is for the MySQL configuration file (binlog_ignore_db = ...
). The configuration accepts both but is is not good style.,
) your filter is interpreted as database name "mysql, information_schema, test
". This is possibly not what you intended. You have to put every database filter into its own separate line like this:To specify multiple databases you must use multiple instances of this option. Because database names can contain commas, the list will be treated as the name of a single database if you supply a comma-separated list.
is not replicated anyway so this information is obsolete.I hope this fixes your problem.
Best Regards,