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Database backup

With Ops Center you can also do your database backups in a convenient way. In the database operations tab is a button Backup database:

Backup database

Backup type

First you have to choose the backup type. Those are exactly the same backup types as in the FromDual backup manager. For further information see there:

How is a correct MariaDB/MySQL backup done?

You find many different possibilities how to do a MariaDB/MySQL backup with mariadb-dump/mysqldump. But which one is the correct one?

Impacts of max_allowed_packet size problems on your MySQL database

We recently run into some troubles with max_allowed_packet size problems during backups with the FromDual Backup/Recovery Manager and thus I investigated a bit more in the symptoms of such problems.

Read more about: max_allowed_packet.

Privileges of MySQL backup user for mysqldump

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Some MySQL customers do not want to use the root user for mysqldump backups. For this user you have to grant the following minimal MySQL privileges:

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