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MariaDB und MySQL Schulungsprogramm 2023

Auch im Jahr 2023 haben Sie wieder die Möglichkeit, sich bei unseren 3 Schulungspartnern in Essen, Köln und Berlin MariaDB und MySQL seitig fit zu machen.

Folgende Termine können wir Ihnen für das Jahr 2023 schon jetzt anbieten:

FromDual Seminarprogramm 2022 für MariaDB und MySQL ist online

Das FromDual Seminarprogramm für 2022 steht. Mit unseren Schulungspartnern Linuxhotel in Essen, GfU Cyrus in Köln sowie der Heinlein Akademie in Berlin bieten wir auch 2022 wieder zahlreiche MariaDB und MySQL Schulungen an:

MariaDB or MySQL, that is the question

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Many customers come to us and ask us whether to use MariaDB or MySQL. The answer is not so simple. FromDual is a neutral and vendor independent MariaDB/MySQL consulting company. So we should not have (in the meaning of neutral) a clear preference. For us internally we have chosen our strategy according to some clearly defined criteria. But what we have chosen for us is not necessarily the right choice for you.

Databases are standardized but in detail they behave different

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For a fancy application we want to query a chunk of rows from a table and therefore we need the minimum and the maximum of the Primary Key of these rows.

MariaDB/MySQL Datenbank-Administrator/in gesucht

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Ausschreibungszeitraum: Q4 2020 bis Q2 2021. Später bitte nicht mehr melden.

Einer unserer Kunden sucht eine/n erfahrene/n MariaDB/MySQL Datenbank-Administrator/in. Arbeitspensum: 80 bis 100% in Festanstellung. Arbeitsort: Hauptstadt Bern (Schweiz).
Erfahrung im Betrieb von MariaDB/MySQL Datenbanken im Enterprise-Umfeld sind erforderlich sowie gute MariaDB/MySQL sowie Galera Cluster Kenntnisse notwendig. Einsatzfeld hochkritische, produktive MariaDB Galera Cluster.

Auszug aus der Original-Stellenausschreibung:

MariaDB/MySQL Datenbank-Administrator/in gesucht

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Ausschreibungszeitraum: Q4 2020 bis Q2 2021. Später bitte nicht mehr melden.

Einer unserer Kunden sucht eine/n erfahrene/n MariaDB/MySQL Datenbank-Administrator/in. Arbeitspensum: 80 bis 100% in Festanstellung. Arbeitsort: Hauptstadt Bern (Schweiz).
Erfahrung im Betrieb von MariaDB/MySQL Datenbanken im Enterprise-Umfeld sind erforderlich sowie gute MariaDB/MySQL sowie Galera Cluster Kenntnisse notwendig. Einsatzfeld hochkritische, produktive MariaDB Galera Cluster.

Auszug aus der Original-Stellenausschreibung:

Shutdown with MySQL 8

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On StackExchange for Database Administrators I recently have seen a question which attracted my interest.

The question puzzled me a bit because the answer seems too easy. Further the question was not so clear. An all theses factors smell dangerous...

Migration from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB 10.4

Up to version 5.5 MariaDB and MySQL can be considered as "the same" databases. The official wording at those times was "drop-in-replacement". But now we are a few years later and times and features changed. Also the official wording has slightly changed to just "compatible".
FromDual recommends that you consider MariaDB 10.3 and MySQL 8.0 as completely different database products (with some common roots) nowadays. Thus you should work and act accordingly.

MariaDB and MySQL consulting by plane

Since January 2019 FromDual tries to contribute actively a little bit against global warming too.

The best for the climate would be to NOT travel to the customer at all! For this cases we have our FromDual remote-DBA services for MariaDB and MySQL.

Upgrade MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0

Early adopters of our customers are considering to upgrade to MySQL 8.0. To be prepared we have created a check-list:


Schulung MariaDB/MySQL für Fortgeschrittene vom 12.-16. 11. in Köln

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In unserer FromDual Schulung MariaDB/MySQL für Fortgeschrittene vom 12. bis 16. November in Köln hat es zur Zeit noch 3 Plätze frei.

Anmelden können Sie sich direkt bei unserem Schulungspartner GfU in Köln.

MySQL Enterprise Schulung für Fortgeschrittene von FromDual

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Aufgrund der gestiegen Nachfrage hat FromDual eine MySQL Enterprise Schulung für Fortgeschrittene MySQL DBAs und DevOps entwickelt. Nachdem wir diese Schulung im letzten Jahr zusammen mit ausgewählten Kunden ausführlich getestet haben bieten wir sie 2018 für eine breite Kundschaft an.

Advanced MySQL Enterprise Training by FromDual

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Due to the increasing demand FromDual has developed an Advanced MySQL Enterprise Training for DBAs and DevOps. After testing this training extensively with some selected customers last year we offer this MySQL Enterprise Training in 2018 for a broader audience.

The MySQL Enterprise Training addresses MySQL DBAs and DevOps which are already familiar with MySQL and approach now the challenge to operate a serious MySQL Enterprise infrastructure.

Oracle releases MySQL security vulnerability fixes 2018-01

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As in every quarter of the year Oracle has released yesterday its recommendation for the MySQL security updates. This is called, in Oracle terminology, Critical Patch Update (CPU) Advisory.

This CPU is published for all Oracle products. But FromDual is only interested in MySQL related topics. So let us concentrate on those.

First Docker steps with MySQL and MariaDB

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The Docker version of the distributions are often quite old. On Ubuntu 16.04 for example:

shell> docker --version 
Docker version 1.13.1, build 092cba3

But the current docker version is 17.09.0-ce (2017-09-26). It seems like they have switched from the old version schema x.y.z to the new year.month.version version schema in February/March 2017.

DOAG 2017 K+A: Aufruf zur Einreichung eines MySQL-Vortrags

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Der Call for Presentations für die DOAG 2017 Konferenz + Ausstellung vom 21. bis 24. November ist nun eröffnet!

Damit die DOAG erneut das umfangreichste Vortrags-Programm für Oracle/MySQL Produkte in Europa anbieten kann, benötigen wir Ihre Unterstützung.

Wir laden Sie hiermit herzlich ein Vorträge jeden Levels von 45 Minuten Länge zum Thema MySQL einzureichen. Es gilt: je mehr Praxisbezug, desto besser.

Themen können zum Beispiel sein:

FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL and MariaDB 1.0.1 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.0.1 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL, MariaDB, Galera Cluster and Percona Server fpmmm.

You can download fpmmm from here.

In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in the fpmmm please report it to our Bug-tracker.

Reset MySQL 5.7 password on macOS over the command line

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This one is for all MySQL-DBA's, which are working on macOS. Since the Apple OS has a rather peculiar way of starting and stopping MySQL, compared to Linux, you can run into some issues. These problems occur especially, if you have no access to the GUI.

Non-standard database set up with SELinux

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What is SELinux?

The Security-Enhanced Linux is an extension to the Linux Kernel, made by the NSA (National Security Agency). It implements Mandatory Access Controls (MAC), which allow an administrator to define, how applications and users can access resources on a system.

MySQL and MariaDB variables inflation

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MySQL is well known and widely spread because of its philosophy of Keep it Simple (KISS).

We recently had the discussion that with newer releases also MySQL and MariaDB relational databases becomes more and more complicated.

New Features in MySQL and MariaDB

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As you probably know MySQL is an Open Source product licensed under the GPL v2. The GPL grants you the right to not just read and understand the code of the product but also to use, modify AND redistribute the code as long as you follow the GPL rules.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL and MariaDB 1.0.0 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.0.0 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL, MariaDB, Galera Cluster and Percona Server fpmmm.

You can download fpmmm from here.

In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in fpmmm please report it to our Bug-tracker.

How to build your own RPM repository for MySQL Enterprise Server 5.7 on RHEL 7

Prepare the RPM repository server

Install the software to create a RPM repository server (on an Ubuntu web server):

shell> sudo apt-get install createrepo

Create the directory structures and initialize the repositories:

shell> sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/repos/centos/7/os/x86_64
shell> sudo createrepo /var/www/html/repos/centos/7/os/x86_64/

Copy the MySQL Enterprise RPM packages to the repository:

How to Install MySQL Enterprise Server 5.7 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

If you have already Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) or CentOS 7 in use you probably found out, that it is not that easy to install MySQL Enterprise Server because there are already pre-installed MariaDB 5.5 libraries:


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