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innodb_deadlock_detect - Rather Hands off!

Recently we had a new customer who has had from time to time massive database problems which he did not understand. When we reviewed the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf) we found, that this customer had disabled the InnoDB Deadlock detection (innodb_deadlock_detect).

Because we have advised against doing this so far, but I never stumbled upon this problem in practice, I have investigated a bit more about the MySQL variable innodb_deadlock_detect.

Eher Finger weg: innodb_deadlock_detect

Kürzlich haben wir bei einem unserer Kunden, der gelegentlich massive Datenbankprobleme hat, bei der Durchsicht der MySQL Konfigurationsdatei (my.cnf) festgestellt, dass er die InnoDB Deadlock-Erkennung (innodb_deadlock_detect) deaktiviert hatte.

Da wir davon bisher immer abgeraten haben, ich aber noch nie konkret über dieses Problem gestolpert bin, bin ich der Sache noch etwas nachgegangen und habe zur Variable innodb_deadlock_detect recherchiert.

How many warm MyISAM key blocks do you have?

When you are working with MyISAM [ 1 ] tables MySQL provides a feature called the Midpoint Insertion Strategy [ 2 ]. You can enable it with the parameter key_cache_division_limit [ 3 ].

By default, the key cache management system uses a simple LRU [ 4 ] strategy for choosing key cache blocks to be purged:

MyISAM key buffer

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