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MySQL Enterprise Schulung für Fortgeschrittene

Wenn Sie bereits mit MySQL vertraut sind und nun vor der Herausforderung stehen, eine ernsthafte MySQL Enterprise Infrastruktur zu betreiben, ist diese Schulung die richtige für Sie.


Advanced MySQL Enterprise Training

If you are already familiar with MySQL and you are challenged to operate a serious MySQL Enterprise infrastructure this training is the right one for you.


You are familiar with the MySQL basics and have already some experience with MySQL operations. The SQL language does not look strange to you any more. Further you are familiar with the Linux console and rule the most important UNIX commands.


MySQL, Galera Cluster und MariaDB Schulungsmodule

FromDual bietet verschiedene MySQL, Galera Cluster und MariaDB Schulungsmodule an. Unsere Schulungstermine finde sie unter MySQL und MariaDB Schulungstermine.

SQL für Einsteiger (3 Tage)

Diese Schulung ist für all diejenigen, welche die Grundlagen der Sprache SQL erlernen wollen. Zukünftige DBAs, Datenbank-Entwickler und Daten-Analysten.


MySQL, Galera Cluster and MariaDB training modules

FromDual offers different MySQL, Galera Cluster and MariaDB training modules. For training dates see our MySQL and MariaDB training class schedule.

SQL for Beginners (3 days)

This training is made for all who want to learn the basics of the SQL language. Future DBAs, database developers and data analysts.


Advanced MySQL and MariaDB training

You are already familiar with the MySQL or MariaDB and you are challenged to operate a serious MySQL database. If this is the case this training is the right one for you.


Exercises of Advanced MySQL Developer Workshop

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Our Advanced MySQL Developer Workshop is over now and IMHO it was quite a success.
During the workshop it is planned to have some exercises. If you are curious and if you want to test or train your MySQL skills, find the exercises here: Advanced MySQL Developer Workshop Exercises.

The solutions are available on request as well.

Advanced MySQL DBA Workshop

With a partner we are planning and Advanced MySQL DBA workshop. As the name says it should be a workshop. Its planned duration is 2 days. So within 2 days we can cover 4 to 8 topics more deeply. Requirements: VirtualBox, VMware, own Laptop?

Possible exercises during the workshop

  • Set-up a Master-Master replication with 2 Slaves
  • Load balance on master with MySQL Proxy and on Slaves with LVS.

Advanced MySQL Developer Workshop

Workshop topics

Duration: 3 days, Exercises
  • Partitioning
    • Partitioning by time (temporal data)
    • Optimizer and Partitioning
    • Limitations
    • New 5.5 and 5.6 features of Partitioning
  • InnoDB Architecture
    • Clustered PK
    • InnoDB Internals
    • InnoDB Online features
    • New Performance Features in 5.5 and 5.6
    • Operations of InnoDB

Advanced MySQL Developer Workshop

Workshop topics

Duration: 3 days, register here.
  • Partitioning
    • Partitioning by time (temporal data)
    • Optimizer and Partitioning
    • Limitations
    • New 5.5 and 5.6 features of Partitioning
  • InnoDB Architecture
    • Clustered PK
    • InnoDB Internals
    • InnoDB Online features
    • New Performance Features in 5.5 and 5.6

FromDual plans Advanced MySQL DBA Workshop

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With one of its partners FromDual plans to offer an Advanced MySQL DBA Workshop. The first workshop should run in November 2010. To offer the best possible contents to the participants we want your feedback about the proposed topics, about the missing topics and what you think in general about such a workshop. Please let us know your opinion. Either as comment on our web-site or for our eyes only at Feedback. Thank you for your participation.

FromDual plant einen MySQL DBA Workshop für Fortgeschrittene

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FromDual plant, mit einem seiner Partner, einen MySQL DBA Workshop für Fortgeschrittene anzubieten. Die erste Durchführung soll im November 2010 erfolgen. Um den Teilnehmern den bestmöglichen Inhalt anbieten zu können, würden wir gerne Ihre Meinung über den geplanten Inhalt, fehlende Punkte und was Sie im allgemeinen über diesen Workshop denken, hören.

Advanced MySQL DBA Workshop - draft

With a partner we are planning and Advanced MySQL DBA workshop. As the name says it should be a workshop. Its planned duration is 2 days. So within 2 days we can cover 4 to 8 topics more deeply.

Requirements: VirtualBox, VMware, own Laptop?

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