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Rename MySQL Partition

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Before I forget it and have to search again here a short note about how to rename a MySQL Partition:

My dream:

ALTER TABLE history RENAME PARTITION p2015_kw10 INTO p2015_kw09;

In reality:
PARTITION p2015_kw09 VALUES LESS THAN (UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2015-03-02 00:00:00'))

Caution: REORGANIZE PARTITION causes a full copy of the whole partition!

Hilft die InnoDB Datenkompression bei wenig Diskplatz?

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Weil wir auf einem unserer Server etwas knapp an Diskplatz sind, hatte ich die Idee, das MySQL Feature Datenkompression für InnoDB auszuprobieren. Dieses Feature ist nützlich, wenn Tabellen mit VARCHAR, BLOB oderr TEXT Attributen vorhanden sind.

Um es nicht allzu einfach zu machen ist unsere Tabelle auch noch partitioniert. Sie sieht wie folgt aus:

How MySQL behaves with many schemata, tables and partitions


Recently a customer claimed that his queries were slow some times and sometimes they were fast.

First idea: Flipping query execution plan caused by InnoDB could be skipped because it affected mainly MyISAM tables.

Second idea: Caching effects by either the file system cache caching MyISAM data or the MyISAM key buffer caching MyISAM indexes were examined: File system cache was huge and MyISAM key buffer was only used up to 25%.

I was a bit puzzled...

What's going on when MySQL does operations on Partitions

Following question came up recently: What happens if you drop or add a partition of an existing already partitioned table with ALTER TABLE? Will it be copied or will just the single partition be dropped and added? How are the index(es) rebuild after such a drop/add?

In the MySQL documentation were not to many details mentioned:

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