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Migration of your data from one database to another
Thu, 2022-11-17 17:01 — Shinguz
Before you consider migrating your data from MySQL to another database you have to know which objects have to be migrated.
With this query you will find the objects to consider:
SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA AS `SCHEMA`, IF(TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE', 'TABLE', TABLE_TYPE) AS OBJECT_TYPE, TABLE_NAME AS `OBJECT_NAME` , IFNULL(ENGINE, '') AS ENGINE, IFNULL(TABLE_ROWS, '') AS `ROWS` , IFNULL(DATA_LENGTH, '') AS DATA_SIZE, IFNULL(INDEX_LENGTH, '') AS INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys') UNION SELECT '', IF(is_role = 'Y', 'ROLE', 'USER'), CONCAT("'", user, "'", '@', "'", host, "'") AS OBJECT_TYPE, '', '', '', '' FROM mysql.user UNION SELECT db, type, name, '', '', '', '' FROM mysql.proc WHERE db NOT IN ('sys', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'mysql') UNION SELECT db, 'EVENT', name, '', '', '', '' FROM mysql.event UNION SELECT trigger_schema, 'TRIGGER', trigger_name, '', '', '', '' FROM information_schema.triggers UNION SELECT db, 'EVENT', name, '', '', '', '' FROM mysql.event ORDER BY `SCHEMA` ASC, OBJECT_TYPE ASC, OBJECT_NAME ASC ; +--------+-------------+---------------------------+--------+---------+-----------+------------+ | SCHEMA | OBJECT_TYPE | OBJECT_NAME | ENGINE | ROWS | DATA_SIZE | INDEX_SIZE | +--------+-------------+---------------------------+--------+---------+-----------+------------+ | | ROLE | 'test_r'@'' | | | | | | | USER | 'app'@'%' | | | | | | | USER | 'app'@'' | | | | | | | USER | 'focmm'@'' | | | | | | | USER | 'test'@'localhost' | | | | | | sbtest | TABLE | sbtest1 | InnoDB | 9680 | 2637824 | 163840 | | test | EVENT | myevent | | | | | | test | FUNCTION | format_time | | | | | | test | PROCEDURE | diagnostics | | | | | | test | TABLE | dt | InnoDB | 6 | 16384 | 0 | | test | TABLE | test | InnoDB | 1045044 | 63520768 | 0 | | test | TRIGGER | test_trigger | | | | | | test | VIEW | test_v | | | | | +--------+-------------+---------------------------+--------+---------+-----------+------------+
An easy way to dump all the object definitions (except users and roles) is the following command:
mysqldump --user=root --no-data --triggers --routines --events test > /tmp/test_structure_dump.sql
If you want to dump your data for importing them into another SQL database this command can help:
mysqldump --user=root --skip-extended-insert --skip-lock-tables --no-create-info \ --where='id = id ' --skip-add-locks --skip-comments --skip-quote-names test test \ | grep -v '^/\*' | grep -v ^$ > /tmp/test_dump.sql
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