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MySQL @ FrOSCon 7 in St. Augustin (Germany)

Also this year we will have a special track for MySQL, Galera, Percona und MariaDB at the FrOSCon in St. Augustin in Germany. The conference is scheduled for August 25 and 26 2012.

Together with the PostgreSQL people we are organizing a sub-conference for Open Source RDBMS there. Now we are looking for interesting talks about MySQL and related techniques like Galera, Percona, MariaDB. The only restriction for the talks is: They must be about an Open Source topic.

We encourage you to send your proposals.

After registering you can Submit a new event. Choose the Databases track. It makes easier to assign the proposal.

Regarding the talks: Please do NOT add talks about NON Open Source solutions. It can be about some new technical things or about some user experience with MySQL technology.

Keep in mind the audience is going to be technical driven. Think about the audience as colleges and not as decision makers.

Please help spreading the word for the Conference by blogging and twittering about it (#froscon)!

And now let us go...


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