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FromDual Enterprise Tools License

The FromDual Enterprise Tools are licensed under a FromDual commercial license. The one exception is MyEnv which is licensed under GPLv2.


MyEnv is licensed under GPLv2.

FromDual Enterprise Tools

The FromDual Enterprise Tools are free of costs for non-commercial and non-profit use. If FromDual considers your usage as non-commercial or non-profit must be discussed. Just testing the functionality of the software for evaluation or learning purposes FromDual considers as non-commercial usage.

The following FromDual Enterprise Tools are falling under the FromDual commercial license:

For commercial use a yearly fee is applicable. Please ask FromDual for a quote.

For all FromDual Enterprise Tools FromDual grants the user the right, to fix bugs in the code, if FromDual is not willing or capable to fix the bugs in a decent amount of time (this did not happen yet as far as we know).

Open Source License

The FromDual Enterprise Tools License is NOT compliant with Open Source Licenses according to OSI.
But our License is covering 7 out of 10 points, according to our interpretation, of the Open Source Definition.