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Understanding InnoDB - Buffer Pool Flushing

InnoDB Page Cleaner Thread

The InnoDB Page Cleaner Thread is an InnoDB background thread that flushes dirty pages from the InnoDB Buffer Pool to disk. Prior MySQL 5.6 this action was performed by the InnoDB Master Thread.


Verbesserte MySQL Datenbank-Performance mit Virident Flash-Cache

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im letzten Newsletter haben wir Sie über die FromDual Beratungs-Dienstleistungen informiert. Fokus waren die Verfügbarkeit und die Vermeidung von Ausfällen der MySQL Datenbank (Welche Kosten verursacht eine Stunde Ausfallzeit Ihrer MySQL Datenbank?).

MySQL pluggable Storage Engines (SE)

One of the big advantages of MySQL is its concept of Pluggable Storage Engines. This means you can choose the most optimal Storage Engine for your needs. This also has a disadvantage: You have to know what you are doing...

If you need some help deciding which is the right Storage Engine or even strategy for you or if you want us to make an independent and vendor neutral comparison of those Storage Engines consider our FromDual Consulting Services!

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