The most common one happens with MySQL 5.5 and older when the InnoDB log file size (innodb_log_file_size) was set to an new value which is not compatible with the old value. To avoid this problem shut-down MySQL properly (mysqladmin --user=root shutdown). Then backup and after remove the logfiles, configure the my.cnf with the new log file size. Start MySQL again and check the error.log.
Hello Oli,
this can have several different reasons.
The most common one happens with MySQL 5.5 and older when the InnoDB log file size (innodb_log_file_size) was set to an new value which is not compatible with the old value. To avoid this problem shut-down MySQL properly (mysqladmin --user=root shutdown). Then backup and after remove the logfiles, configure the my.cnf with the new log file size. Start MySQL again and check the error.log.