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MaxScale configuration synchronisation

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A feature that I recently discovered while browsing is the MaxScale configuration synchronisation functionality.

This is not primarily about a MariaDB replication cluster or a MariaDB Galera cluster, but about a cluster consisting of two or more MaxScale nodes. Or more precisely, the exchange of the configuration between these MaxScale nodes.

Pon Suresh Pandian has already written a blog article about this feature in 2022, which is even more detailed than this post here.


An LXD container environment was prepared, consisting of 3 database containers (deb12-n1 (, deb12-n2 (, deb12-n3 ( and 2 MaxScale containers (deb12-mxs1 (, deb12-mxs2 ( The database version is a MariaDB 10.11.6 from the Debian repository and MaxScale was downloaded in version 22.08.5 from the MariaDB plc website.

The database configuration looks similar for all 3 nodes:

# /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/99-fromdual.cnf


server_id               = 1
log_bin                 = deb12-n1-binlog
binlog_format           = row
bind_address            = *
proxy_protocol_networks = ::1,, localhost
gtid_strict_mode        = on
log_slave_updates       = on
skip_name_resolve       = on

The MaxScale nodes were built as described in the article Sharding with MariaDB MaxScale.

The maxscale_admin user has exactly the same rights as described there, the maxscale_monitor user has the following rights:


See also here: Required Grants.

The MaxScale start configuration looks like this:

# /etc/maxscale.cnf

threads                      = auto
admin_gui                    = false

type                         = server
address                      =
port                         = 3306
proxy_protocol               = true

type                         = server
address                      =
port                         = 3306
proxy_protocol               = true

type                         = monitor
module                       = mariadbmon
servers                      = deb12-n1,deb12-n2
user                         = maxscale_monitor
password                     = secret
monitor_interval             = 500ms
auto_failover                = true
auto_rejoin                  = true
enforce_read_only_slaves     = true
replication_user             = replication
replication_password         = secret
cooperative_monitoring_locks = majority_of_running

type                         = listener
service                      = WriteService
port                         = 3306

type                         = service
router                       = readwritesplit
servers                      = deb12-n1,deb12-n2
user                         = maxscale_admin
password                     = secret
transaction_replay           = true
transaction_replay_timeout   = 30s

Important: The configuration should look the same on all MaxScale nodes!

And then a few more checks were done to be sure that everything is correct:

shell> maxctrl list listeners
│ Name          │ Port │ Host │ State   │ Service      │
│ WriteListener │ 3306 │ ::   │ Running │ WriteService │

shell> maxctrl list services
│ Service      │ Router         │ Connections │ Total Connections │ Targets            │
│ WriteService │ readwritesplit │ 0           │ 0                 │ deb12-n1, deb12-n2 │

shell> maxctrl list servers
│ Server   │ Address        │ Port │ Connections │ State           │ GTID   │ Monitor             │
│ deb12-n1 │  │ 3306 │ 0           │ Master, Running │ 0-1-19 │ Replication-Monitor │
│ deb12-n2 │ │ 3306 │ 0           │ Slave, Running  │ 0-1-19 │ Replication-Monitor │

SQL> SELECT @@hostname, test.* FROM test.test;
| @@hostname | id | data      | ts                  |
| deb12-n2   |  1 | Some data | 2024-03-26 09:40:21 |

SQL> SELECT @@hostname, test.* FROM test.test FOR UPDATE;
| @@hostname | id | data      | ts                  |
| deb12-n1   |  1 | Some data | 2024-03-26 09:40:21 |

And another test whether MaxScale really executes the failover correctly:

shell> systemctl stop mariadb
2024-03-26 16:27:05   error  : Monitor was unable to connect to server deb12-n2[] : 'Can't connect to server on '' (115)'
2024-03-26 16:27:05   notice : Server changed state: deb12-n2[]: master_down. [Master, Running] -> [Down]
2024-03-26 16:27:05   warning: [mariadbmon] Primary has failed. If primary does not return in 4 monitor tick(s), failover begins.
2024-03-26 16:27:07   notice : [mariadbmon] Selecting a server to promote and replace 'deb12-n2'. Candidates are: 'deb12-n1'.
2024-03-26 16:27:07   notice : [mariadbmon] Selected 'deb12-n1'.
2024-03-26 16:27:07   notice : [mariadbmon] Performing automatic failover to replace failed primary 'deb12-n2'.
2024-03-26 16:27:07   notice : [mariadbmon] Failover 'deb12-n2' -> 'deb12-n1' performed.
2024-03-26 16:27:07   notice : Server changed state: deb12-n1[]: new_master. [Slave, Running] -> [Master, Running]

shell> systemctl start mariadb
2024-03-26 16:28:03   notice : Server changed state: deb12-n2[]: server_up. [Down] -> [Running]
2024-03-26 16:28:03   notice : [mariadbmon] Directing standalone server 'deb12-n2' to replicate from 'deb12-n1'.
2024-03-26 16:28:03   notice : [mariadbmon] Replica connection from deb12-n2 to []:3306 created and started.
2024-03-26 16:28:03   notice : [mariadbmon] 1 server(s) redirected or rejoined the cluster.
2024-03-26 16:28:03   notice : Server changed state: deb12-n2[]: new_slave. [Running] -> [Slave, Running]

Which MaxScale node is currently responsible for monitoring and failover (cooperatve_monitoring) can be determined as follows:

shell> maxctrl show monitor Replication-Monitor | grep -e 'Diagnostics' -e '"primary"' -e 'lock_held' | uniq
│ Monitor Diagnostics │ {                                                                                                                                                                                                                      │
│                     │     "primary": true,                                                                                                                                                                                                   │
│                     │             "lock_held": true,                                                                                                                                                                                         │

It should be ensured that everything works properly up to this point. Otherwise there is no real point in the next steps.

Activate MaxScale configuration synchronisation

A separate database user with the following rights is required for configuration synchronisation:

SQL> CREATE USER 'maxscale_confsync'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
SQL> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE ON `mysql`.`maxscale_config` TO maxscale_confsync@'%';

MaxScale must then be configured accordingly (on both MaxScale nodes) so that configuration synchronisation is activated. This configuration takes place in the global MaxScale section:

# /etc/maxscale.cnf

config_sync_cluster  = Replication-Monitor
config_sync_user     = maxscale_confsync
config_sync_password = secret

The MaxScale nodes are then restarted:

shell> systemctl restart maxscale

MaxScale configuration synchronisation can also be activated and deactivated dynamically:

shell> maxctrl show maxscale | grep config_sync
│              │     "config_sync_cluster": null,                                        │
│              │     "config_sync_db": "mysql",                                          │
│              │     "config_sync_interval": "5000ms",                                   │
│              │     "config_sync_password": null,                                       │
│              │     "config_sync_timeout": "10000ms",                                   │
│              │     "config_sync_user": null,                                           │

Here it is important to keep to the correct order of the 3 commands, otherwise there will be an error:

shell> MAXCTRL_WARNINGS=0 maxctrl alter maxscale config_sync_user='maxscale_confsync'
shell> MAXCTRL_WARNINGS=0 maxctrl alter maxscale config_sync_password='secret'
shell> MAXCTRL_WARNINGS=0 maxctrl alter maxscale config_sync_cluster='Replication-Monitor'

Change MaxScale parameters

As a first test, we have focussed on the MaxScale monitor variable monitor_interval, which in this case is even different on both MaxScale nodes:

shell>  maxctrl show monitor Replication-Monitor | grep monitor_interval
│                     │     "monitor_interval": "750ms",

shell> maxctrl show monitor Replication-Monitor | grep monitor_interval
│                     │     "monitor_interval": "1000ms",

The variable can now be set on a MaxScale node with the alter monitor command:

shell> MAXCTRL_WARNINGS=0 maxctrl alter monitor Replication-Monitor monitor_interval=500ms

which can be seen in the MaxScale error log:

2024-03-26 14:09:16   notice : (ConfigManager); Updating to configuration version 1

On the other hand, the value should be propagated to the second MaxScale node within 5 seconds (config_sync_interval), which can be checked with the above command.

Add new slave and make MaxScale known

A new slave (deb12-n3) is first created and added to the MariaDB replication cluster by hand. The slave is then made known to a MaxScale node:

shell> maxctrl create server deb12-n3

shell> MAXCTRL_WARNINGS=0 maxctrl link monitor Replication-Monitor deb12-n3

shell> MAXCTRL_WARNINGS=0 maxctrl link service WriteService deb12-n3

shell> maxctrl list servers
│ Server   │ Address        │ Port │ Connections │ State           │ GTID       │ Monitor             │
│ deb12-n1 │  │ 3306 │ 3           │ Slave, Running  │ 0-2-479618 │ Replication-Monitor │
│ deb12-n2 │ │ 3306 │ 3           │ Master, Running │ 0-2-479618 │ Replication-Monitor │
│ deb12-n3 │  │ 3306 │ 1           │ Slave, Running  │ 0-2-479618 │ Replication-Monitor │

Remove old slave and make MaxScale known

Before a slave can be deleted, it should be removed from the replication cluster for a MaxScale node:

shell> maxctrl destroy server deb12-n1 --force

shell> maxctrl list servers
│ Server   │ Address        │ Port │ Connections │ State           │ GTID       │ Monitor             │
│ deb12-n2 │ │ 3306 │ 3           │ Master, Running │ 0-2-493034 │ Replication-Monitor │
│ deb12-n3 │  │ 3306 │ 1           │ Slave, Running  │ 0-2-493032 │ Replication-Monitor │

The slave can then be removed.

How is the configuration synchronised?

The configuration of the two MaxScale nodes is synchronised via the database, which I personally consider to be an unfortunate design decision, as a configuration change could potentially cause chaos if the master breaks or network problems occur between the database nodes...

The configuration is stored in the table mysql.maxscale_config, which looks like this:

CREATE TABLE `maxscale_config` (
  `cluster` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `version` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `config` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL CHECK (json_valid(`config`)),
  `origin` varchar(254) NOT NULL,
  `nodes` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL CHECK (json_valid(`nodes`)),
  PRIMARY KEY (`cluster`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci

This table has approximately the following content:

SQL> SELECT cluster, version, CONCAT(SUBSTR(config, 1, 32), ' ... ', SUBSTR(config, -32)) AS config , origin, nodes FROM mysql.maxscale_config;
| cluster             | version | config                                                                | origin     | nodes                                    |
| Replication-Monitor |       2 | {"config":[{"id":"deb12-n1","typ ... ter_name":"Replication-Monitor"} | deb12-mxs1 | {"deb12-mxs1": "OK", "deb12-mxs2": "OK"} |

A local copy is available on each node for security reasons:

shell> cut -b-32 /var/lib/maxscale/maxscale-config.json

What happens in the event of a conflict?

See also: Error Handling in Configuration Synchronization

If the configuration is changed simultaneously (within config_sync_interval?) on two different MaxScale nodes, we receive the following error message:

Error: Server at responded with 400 Bad Request to `PATCH monitors/Replication-Monitor`
    "errors": [
            "detail": "Cannot start configuration change: Configuration conflict detected: version stored in the cluster (3) is not the same as the local version (2), MaxScale is out of sync."

The following command may help to recognise the problem in the event of major faults:

shell> maxctrl show maxscale | grep -A9 'Config Sync'
│ Config Sync  │ {                                                                       │
│              │     "checksum": "0052fe6f775168bf00778abbe37775f6f642adc7",             │
│              │     "nodes": {                                                          │
│              │         "deb12-mxs1": "OK",                                             │
│              │         "deb12-mxs2": "OK"                                              │
│              │     },                                                                  │
│              │     "origin": "deb12-mxs2",                                             │
│              │     "status": "OK",                                                     │
│              │     "version": 3                                                        │
│              │ }                                                                       │


All tests were also carried out under load. The following tests ran in parallel:

  • insert_test.php
  • mixed_test.php
  • while [ true ] ; do mariadb -s --user=app --host= --port=3306 --password=secret --execute='SELECT @@hostname, COUNT(*) FROM test.test GROUP BY @@hostname' ; sleep 0.5 ; done
  • while [ true ] ; do mariadb -s --user=app --host= --port=3306 --password=secret --execute='SELECT @@hostname, COUNT(*) FROM test.test GROUP BY @@hostname FOR UPDATE' ; sleep 0.5 ; done

All tests have run flawlessly and without problems with all manipulations.

Deactivate MaxScale configuration synchronisation again

Execute the following command on both MaxScale nodes to end configuration synchronisation:

shell> MAXCTRL_WARNINGS=0 maxctrl alter maxscale config_sync_cluster=''
