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MPM Questions & Answers

Question: What is the MySQL Performance Monitor (MPM) monitoring and what data is the agent sending?

Answer: The MPM agent is gathering mainly the output of:



Question: What MPM modules do you provide at the moment?

Answer: You can find a list of the provided modules here.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

I have gotten the FromDual modules and templates working on 2 of our 3 database servers. The last one, I keep getting the below errors in the FromDual log file:

3387:2013-02-05 12:55:51.296 - INFO: FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL (0.9) run started.
3387:2013-02-05 12:55:51.297 - INFO: FromDualMySQLagent::setAgentLock
3387:2013-02-05 12:55:51.298 - WARN: Agent Lock file /tmp/FromDualMySQLagent.lock already exists.
3387:2013-02-05 12:55:51.299 - WARN: Another agent with PID 3366 (our PID is 3387) is running. We will abort now.

Are there any suggestions on how to fix this?

Thank you!


Hello, i installed FromDual on a MySQL 5.6 and made it work fine sending data. But now every 5 minutes i get the message of the Zabbix_agent unreachable in that server. Agent is working fine and network too. I get this error on Zabbix log: 2916:20140618:125301.324 Zabbix agent item "FromDual.MySQL.check" on host "HOST" failed: first network error, wait for 5 seconds 2931:20140618:125309.359 Zabbix agent item "FromDual.MySQL.check" on host "HOST" failed: another network error, wait for 5 seconds 2931:20140618:125314.491 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "HOST": connection restored Anyone can help me solving this? Thank you

If I chose full Modules for MPM,FromDualMySQLagent.log will post this error

28287:2014-08-06 09:06:33.183 - INFO: FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL (0.9.2) run started.
28287:2014-08-06 09:06:35.862 - INFO: 文件系统 1K-块 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
28287:2014-08-06 09:06:36.133 - INFO: FromDualMySQLagent::removeAgentLock
28287:2014-08-06 09:06:36.133 - INFO: FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL run finshed (rc=1).

24689:2014-08-06 09:07:53.250 - INFO: FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL (0.9.3) run started.
24689:2014-08-06 09:07:55.928 - INFO: 文件系统 1K-块 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
24689:2014-08-06 09:07:56.201 - ERR : got TERM signal. Cleaning up stuff an exit (rc=1).
24689:2014-08-06 09:07:56.201 - INFO: FromDualMySQLagent::removeAgentLock
24689:2014-08-06 09:07:56.201 - INFO: FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL run finshed (rc=1).

If I chose only 4 modules in config file like this(can't choose server and proess):
Modules = mpm mysql slave innodb
FromDualMySQLagent.log didn't post error any more,but this problem is not happen all of my DB.
Do you have any solution to fix this ? thanks~~


Hello poorx7,

The got TERM signal means that the process was hanging too long somewhere and the next start of mpm killed this one.

If I interpret your Chinese output correctly the last message comes from the server module.

Can you please try to just run server manually as follows: debug.conf with this configuration:

# debug.conf

Debug        = 4
Type         = mysqld
Modules      = server
LogFile      = /tmp/mpm_debug.log

and send us the log file. I heavily assume that mpm is not capable to handle Chinese Linux because we are parsing output and are not expecting some of these characters.
An other approach to narrow down would be to set the locales to LANG=en_US.UTF-8. Maybe then the problem goes away. But just as a work-around. We have to fix it...



I use the debug.conf is :
Debug = 4
Type = mysqld
Modules = server
LogFile = /usr/local/mpm/FromDualMySQLagent.log

Try it and result is this:
[root@DB22484 mpm]# ./ debug.conf

[root@DB22484 mpm]# more /var/log/zabbix/FromDualMySQLagent.log
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.345 - INFO: FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL (0.9.2) run started.

[root@DB22484 mpm]# more FromDualMySQLagent.log
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : The combined (default + section) parameters for section debug are:
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : ZabbixServer -
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Modules - server
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : LogFile - /usr/local/mpm/FromDualMySQLagent.log
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Type - mysqld
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Password - ********
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Disabled - false
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Username - root
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Debug - 4
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : TimeShift - 0
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Socket - /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : CacheFile - /tmp/FromDualAgentCache.debug.cache
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : MysqlPort - 3306
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : AgentLockFile - /tmp/FromDualMySQLagent.lock
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : CacheFileBase - /tmp/FromDualAgentCache
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Hostname - debug
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Hash -
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : ZabbixServerPort - 10051
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Methode - https
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : ClusterLog - /var/lib/mysql-cluster/ndb_1_cluster.log
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : MaaS - off
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : PidFile -
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : Url -
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - DBG : MysqlHost -
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - INFO: Modules for section debug: server
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.346 - INFO: Processing module server for section debug now...
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.355 - INFO: FromDualMySQLserver::processServerInformation
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.355 - INFO: FromDualMySQLserver::getDiskStatsLinux
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.356 - INFO: FromDualMySQLserver::getMemoryInformationLinux
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.356 - INFO: FromDualMySQLserver::getDiskSpaceInformationLinux
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.357 - INFO: 文件系统 1K-块 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:50.357 - INFO: FromDualMySQLserver::getCpuInformationLinux
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.358 - INFO: FromDualMySQLserver::getCpuInformationLinux
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.360 - INFO: FromDualMySQLserver::getNetworkInformationLinux
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.360 - INFO: sendData::sendData
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.360 - INFO: writeDataToCacheFile::writeDataToCacheFile
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.360 - INFO: FromDualMySQLagent::clearCacheFile
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.360 - DBG : debug[em3,drop_tx] 1407308751 0
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.360 - DBG : debug FromDual.MySQL.server.cpu[total,soft] 1407308751 0
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.360 - DBG : debug FromDual.MySQL.server.disk_space[tmpfs,pfree] 1407308751 100
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.361 - DBG : debug FromDual.MySQL.server.cpu[7,iowait] 1407308751 0
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.361 - DBG : debug FromDual.MySQL.server.vm_swap_free_kb 1407308751 16777208

this here Omitted some lines,without error
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.379 - DBG : debug FromDual.MySQL.server.disk.writes_completed[sda] 1407308751 368193545
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.379 - DBG : debug FromDual.MySQL.server.vm_swap_used_kb 1407308751 0
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.379 - DBG : debug FromDual.MySQL.server.cpu[15,guest] 1407308751 0
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.379 - DBG : debug FromDual.MySQL.server.cpu[total,nice] 1407308751 0
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.379 - INFO: FromDualMySQLagent::checkConnectionToZabbixServer
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.379 - DBG : Check connection to zabbix server.
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.379 - DBG : /usr/bin/zabbix_sender --zabbix-server --port 10051 --host 'debug' --key FromDual.server.check --value '1' -vv
zabbix_sender [5742]: DEBUG: send value error: gethostbyname() failed for '--port': [3] Unknown server error
Sending failed.
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.413 - DBG : (ret=256).
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.413 - ERR : Child exited with value 1 (ret=256 / rc=1329).
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.413 - WARN: , 10051, debug
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.413 - WARN: Connection to zabbix server failed (rc=1305)!
5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.413 - INFO: FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL run finshed (rc=0).

it seem OK,and I try module server+process,and server+process+mysql+innodb,however it didnt post "FromDualMySQLagent::removeAgentLock" in log, am I try it something wrong?

The complete log I upload here

thanks for help ^.^


Hello poorx7,

I see, that you are using an old version of mpm: 0.9.2 the current version is 0.9.3 which you can download from here.

0.9.3 has some fixes in the area you are currently struggling... See the Release Notes.

And here it looks like something is wrong with your mpm configuration:

5738:2014-08-06 15:05:51.379 - DBG : /usr/bin/zabbix_sender --zabbix-server --port 10051 --host 'debug' --key FromDual.server.check --value '1' -vv
zabbix_sender [5742]: DEBUG: send value error: gethostbyname() failed for '--port': [3] Unknown server error
Sending failed.

host is missing or is wrong. Can you please send me your mpm configuration file so I can see if our error catching is not good enough?

