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Once in a while Zabbix graphs do not display any information


I have successfully installed and configured zabbix to work with your performance monitoring. However, every once in a while, the graphs in zabbix do not display any information. It seems when I invoke things go back to normal. Do I need to setup a cron to refresh the data?

I have included the following line in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd/userparameter_mysql.conf:

UserParameter=FromDual.MySQL.check,/usr/local/mysql_performance_monitor/ /usr/local/mysql_performance_monitor/etc/FromDualMySQLagent.conf

Any recommendations would be most welcome.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Hello William, A cron job should not be necessary. It looks like the Zabbix Server disables this specific Zabbix agent/host for some reasons. So we should find, why! Could you please have a look at the zabbix_server.log and the zabbix_agent.log and let us know if you find anything? Hopefully the solution should be found there. Regards, Oli

It was working for a while, and it stopped on April 5th. I upgraded to the latest version, and now when I look at the log, I see this: [root@util-mysql0 etc]# /usr/bin/zabbix_sender --zabbix-server util-zabbix0 --port 10051 --host 'util-mysql0' --key FromDual.server.check --value '1' -vv zabbix_sender zabbix_sender [15866]: DEBUG: answer [{ "response":"success", "info":"Processed 0 Failed 1 Total 1 Seconds spent 0.000016"}] Info from server: "Processed 0 Failed 1 Total 1 Seconds spent 0.000016" sent: 1; skipped: 0; total: 1 Any suggestions?

Hi Wills, This is OK because the key does not exist in any template.
  # This tag does NOT exist in templates!!!
  my $lKey    = 'FromDual.server.check';
Did it stop before you did the upgrade or did it stop when you did the upgrade? Can you set Debug = 4 in the mpm configuration file and let us know the output? Is the zabbix_agent triggered at all? Regards, Oli

Hi Oli, Thanks for replying. I did not stop the service, I probably should have before upgrading. However, I did stop the zabbix_agent (killall,) and then restarted it. Here is the log for zabbix_agentd.log: [root@util-mysql0 zabbix]# more zabbix_agentd.log 2880:20120412:104635.151 Starting Zabbix Agent [util-mysql0.arw.pvt]. Zabbix 1.8.10 (revision 24303). 2882:20120412:104635.152 agent #0 started [collector] 2884:20120412:104635.152 agent #2 started [listener] 2885:20120412:104635.152 agent #3 started [listener] 2883:20120412:104635.153 agent #1 started [listener] 2886:20120412:104635.153 agent #4 started [active checks] Here an exerpt of the mpm log in debug: 2891:2012-04-12 10:46:56.905 - DBG : Check connection to zabbix server. 2891:2012-04-12 10:46:56.906 - DBG : /usr/bin/zabbix_sender --zabbix-server util-zabbix0 --port 10051 --host 'util-mysql0' --key FromDual.server.check --value '1' -vv zabbix_sender [2895]: DEBUG: answer [{ "response":"success", "info":"Processed 0 Failed 1 Total 1 Seconds spent 0.000016"}] Info from server: "Processed 0 Failed 1 Total 1 Seconds spent 0.000016" sent: 1; skipped: 0; total: 1 2891:2012-04-12 10:46:56.911 - DBG : (ret=0). 2891:2012-04-12 10:46:56.911 - DBG : Connection to zabbix server seems OK. 2891:2012-04-12 10:46:56.911 - INFO: sendCachedData::sendCachedData 2891:2012-04-12 10:46:56.911 - DBG : Sending cache file to zabbix server. 2891:2012-04-12 10:46:56.911 - DBG : Cache file found. It is obviously collecting data, etc. I'm wondering, could this have something to do with my zabbix configuration? Active vs. Passive?

Hello Wills, What about uploading data of some of the relevant modules (mysql or innodb for example)? Have you changed something except upgrading the mpm agent? With: Monitoring -> Last data you can see if items are uploaded. You can simulate this manually as follows: /usr/bin/zabbix_sender --zabbix-server util-zabbix0 --port 10051 --host 'util-mysql0' --key FromDual.MySQL.mysql.version --value 'test version' -vv Then you should get something like: Processed 1 Failed 0 Total 1 If this works then something with your mpm config is wrong. If this fails something with your Zabbix server configuration is wrong. What do you mean with: "Active vs. Passive?" --> Did you change something in the configuration?

[root@util-mysql0 /]# /usr/bin/zabbix_sender --zabbix-server util-zabbix0 --port 10051 --host 'util-mysql0' --key FromDual.MySQL.mysql.version --value 'test version' -vv zabbix_sender [8896]: DEBUG: answer [{ "response":"success", "info":"Processed 0 Failed 1 Total 1 Seconds spent 0.000017"}] Info from server: "Processed 0 Failed 1 Total 1 Seconds spent 0.000017" sent: 1; skipped: 0; total: 1 Must be Zabbix configuration. I meant the agent configuration, does it matter if it is active or passive? Something changed, but I'm not sure what at this point.

Hello Wills, First I would check if the host 'util-mysql0' matches EXACTLY the hostname in Zabbix server. That is the typical problem. Are you sure this specific item (FromDual.MySQL.mysql.version) exists under this host? I still do not get what you mean with active and passive. Can you please elaborate? Best regards, Oli

Gr, the issue was definitely with the zabbix server name. It was changed on Apr 5th. I'm sorry to have bothered you.

Hello Wills, No problem. I am lucky we finally found it. Any improvement suggestions are welcome! Oli

I apologize for the delayed response. I was able to get it running. However, recently, the following error has been appearing anytime I attempt to run the scrip manually: [zabbix@util-mysql0 ~]$ /usr/local/mysql_performance_monitor/ sh: -c: line 17: syntax error near unexpected token `;;' sh: -c: line 17: ` 7: len 8; hex 000000000000274b; asc 'K;;' I am running CentOS 6.2 x86_64 - perl packages listed below: [zabbix@util-mysql0 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep perl perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.023-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-HTML-Tagset-3.20-4.el6.noarch perl-libwww-perl-5.833-2.el6.noarch perl-libs-5.10.1-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-5.10.1-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.2003.0-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-Time-HiRes-1.9721-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-IO-Compress-Base-2.020-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-Pod-Escapes-1.04-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-version-0.77-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-Pod-Simple-3.13-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-Test-Harness-3.17-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-devel-5.10.1-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-CGI-3.51-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-Compress-Zlib-2.020-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-HTML-Parser-3.64-2.el6.x86_64 perl-URI-1.40-2.el6.noarch perl-LWP-UserAgent-Determined-1.04-1.el6.rf.noarch perl-YAML-Syck-1.07-4.el6.x86_64 perl-DBD-MySQL-4.013-3.el6.x86_64 perl-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.020-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-Module-Pluggable-3.90-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.55-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-Test-Simple-0.92-119.el6_1.1.x86_64 perl-Date-Manip-6.24-1.el6.noarch perl-DBI-1.609-4.el6.x86_64

Some more troubleshooting information: -bash-4.1$ zabbix_sender -z util-zabbix0 -s util-mysql0 -k FromDual.MySQLmysql.Questions -o "123456789" -vv zabbix_sender [15878]: DEBUG: answer [{ "response":"success", "info":"Processed 0 Failed 1 Total 1 Seconds spent 0.000056"}] Info from server: "Processed 0 Failed 1 Total 1 Seconds spent 0.000056" sent: 1; skipped: 0; total: 1 However, zabbix_server.log displays the following: 7684:20120312:214242.552 Zabbix agent item [FromDual.MySQL.check] on host [util-mysql0] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds I also tested the network connectivity: [root@util-zabbix0 zabbix]# telnet util-mysql0 3306 Trying *.*.*.*... Connected to util-mysql0. Escape character is '^]'. J 5.5.204W0+$r3G!aH$xQmP*~_Bmysql_native_password exit !#08S01Got packets out of orderConnection closed by foreign host. [root@util-zabbix0 zabbix]# telnet util-mysql0 10050 Trying *.*.*.*... Connected to util-mysql0. Escape character is '^]'. ZBXDZBX_NOTSUPPORTEDConnection closed by foreign host. Any clues?

zabbix_sender was capable to connect and send (sent: 1) but processing the item failed (Processed 0, Failed 1) This can happen because of the following reasons: 1. The host name does not match 2. The item does not exist 3. There is a bug The second problem imho is independent from the first one (except you hit a bug). Zabbix server could not reach Zabbix agent for some reasons. We also get this error from time to time. So it could be that the bug you described causes this or some other reasons mentioned here: Increasing the timeout could help as well: # zabbix_server.conf Timeout = 5

I installed FROMDUAL on a mysql server and when i active it causes zabbix agent to switch between unreachable and reachable every 5 minutes. When i disable FROMDUAL it starts to work fine. I also lose data when FROMDUAL is active, CPU data, memory usage, and more. Any clue to solve this? Thank you