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Creating synthetic data sets for tuning SQL queries

When it comes to SQL Query tuning with customers we often get the slow running SQL query and possibly, in good cases, also the table structure. But very often, for various reasons, we do not get the data.

Hilft die InnoDB Datenkompression bei wenig Diskplatz?

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 
Weil wir auf einem unserer Server etwas knapp an Diskplatz sind, hatte ich die Idee, das MySQL Feature Datenkompression für InnoDB auszuprobieren. Dieses Feature ist nützlich, wenn Tabellen mit VARCHAR, BLOB oderr TEXT Attributen vorhanden sind.

Um es nicht allzu einfach zu machen ist unsere Tabelle auch noch partitioniert. Sie sieht wie folgt aus:

Which table is hit by an InnoDB page corruption?

InnoDB is known to have crash-recovery capabilities and thus is called a crash safe storage engine (in contrary to MyISAM). Nevertheless under certain circumstances it seems like InnoDB pages can get corrupt during a crash and then a manual crash-recovery is needed.

Stealthy migrating MySQL tables and MySQL data access interfaces using enlarged updateable VIEW functionality

Applications occasionally require redesign. However, redesigning an application cannot be done in one step because the application is distributed or several versions of applications must be supported. MySQL 5.0 provides the necessary means to stealthy migrate your data. In a short overview let's look at what we plan to do: Stealthy Migration (PDF 98.7 kByte).
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