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MySQL Database Health Check
What you get
With our FromDual Database Health Check Service for MySQL and MariaDB you get your basic regular DBA work done:
- We check the mission critical information of your databases:
- if your database is running smoothly.
- if your servers have enough free disk space.
- if your backup is done.
- if your MySQL Cluster is up and running and has enough free memory.
- if your replication is up and running and if it is lagging.
- if your security rules are met.
- if your DRBD and Heartbeat set-up is working properly.
- We do a Database Health Check.
- We gather the server metrics for long term trends and capacity planning.
- We gather the database metrics for long term trends and capacity planning.
- We run a monitoring solution for you if wanted.
- The work is performed once a week or once a month and you get a report of the outcome.
- Warnings/Issues are risen when something is found (per email and on our customer web-site).
Why this service is interesting for you
- You want to outsource your MySQL database operations to a professional team.
- You need a part time DBA.
- You have many DBA's but no MySQL DBA and you do not want to hire one.
- You want specialized MySQL DBA's taking care of your MySQL databases.
- You do not want to hire your own costly full-time MySQL DBA.
- You have not enough work to do for your own full-time MySQL DBA.
- There is too much MySQL DBA work to do for your developers. They should better focus on their main task: developing software.
- Your staff has no MySQL DBA know-how.
If you are interested in our FromDual Database Health Check for MySQL and MariaDB, please let us know and we get asap in contact with you!tags: