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MySQL Plugins and UDF's

At the DOAG 2010 we found that there are already a lot of Plugins etc. for MySQL available. Therefor it will be a good time to start with a collection of Plugins, UDF's etc. available.

Because we have done already a collection of MySQL Storage Engines earlier please look there form more information.


MySQL User Defined Function (UDF) collection

I really like this new toy called UDF. So I try to provide some more, hopefully useful, functionality.

A list of what I have done up to now you can find here:


Logging users to the MySQL error log


A customer recently showed up with the following problem:

With your guidelines [ 1 ] I am now able to send the MySQL error log to the syslog and in particular to an external log server.
But I cannot see which user connects to the database in the error log.

How can I achieve this?


During night when I slept my brain worked independently on this problem and in the morning he had prepared a possible solution for it.

MySQL useful add-on collection using UDF

I really like this new toy (for me) called UDF. So I try to provide some more, hopefully useful, functionality.

The newest extension I like is the possibility to write to the MySQL error log through the application. Oracle can do that since long. Now we can do this as well...

A list of what I have done up to now you can find here:

Using MySQL User-Defined Functions (UDF) to get MySQL internal informations

In one of my previous posts I was writing about how to read other processes memory [ 1 ]. As an example I tried to get the value of the hard coded MySQL internal InnoDB variable spin_wait_delay (srv_spin_wait_delay).

In this example we were using gdb or the operating system ptrace function to retrieve this value. This method has the disadvantage that it is pretty invasive.

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