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FromDual InfoFeed (en)
MySQL Environment MyEnv 1.1.0 has been released
FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.1.0 of its popular MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server multi-instance environment MyEnv.
The majority of improvements happened in the MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman) where we added a backup catalog.
You can download MyEnv from here.
In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in MyEnv please report it to our Bugtracker.
Any feedback, statements and testimonials are welcome as well! Please send them to
Upgrade from 1.0.5 to 1.1.0 # cd ${HOME}/product # tar xf /download/myenv-1.1.0.tar.gz # rm -f myenv # ln -s myenv-1.1.0 myenvIf you are using plug-ins for showMyEnvStatus create all the links in the new directory structure:
cd ${HOME}/product/myenv ln -s ../../utl/oem_agent.php plg/showMyEnvStatus/Replace the following files:
- cp ${HOME}/product/myenv/etc/variables.conf.template /etc/myenv/variables.conf
- cp ${HOME}/product/myenv/bin/myenv.server /etc/init.d/myenv
- Error with !includedir fixed (Bug #143).
- tput is hidden in interactive mode now. No more nasty warning messages.
- Start/stop script did not pass error code correctly.
- Timezone complain on myenv_start_stop.php fixed with temporary fix.
- Init script should not through errors on SuSE any more.
- Init script is improved. Myenv should only start if network is available (runlevel).
- mysqladmin complains now if my.cnf has wrong parameters and does not show the schema down any more.
- MYSQL_HOME was changed from basedir to datadir, consider this for upgrade, this is a significant change, impact is not clear!
- Under some circumstances up did not show all schemata, fixed.
- No changes.
- NUMA maps script from Jeremy Cole added.
- fixed for more than 1 back-end.
- For many backup types cleanup, archive and compress functionality added.
- Schema backup per-schema writes log pos now to log file and catalog.
- Binlog policy added.
- Backup structure is not created any more for cleanup and catalog operations.
- Binlog backup should work now with and without default location.
- Passing strange characters in password is handled more robust now.
- Schema names more robust with back-ticks.
- memory-table-check bug fixed.
- Command line is displayed in output (without exposing password).
- Cleanup of archivedir is possible now.
- Backup for configuration file implemented.
- Physical backup based on xtrabackup/mysqlbackup implemented.
- All exit's replaced by returns. Proper error handling should be possible.
- Backup logging implemented.
- Password from command line is not exposed any more to log file. Back-port from v1.0.5.
- Per schema privilege backup implemented.
- Catalog creation and catalog upgrade integrated.
MySQL Environment MyEnv 1.1.0 has been released
FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.1.0 of its popular MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server multi-instance environment MyEnv.
The majority of improvements happened in the MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman) where we added a backup catalog.
You can download MyEnv from here.
In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in MyEnv please report it to our Bugtracker.
Any feedback, statements and testimonials are welcome as well! Please send them to
Upgrade from 1.0.5 to 1.1.0 # cd ${HOME}/product # tar xf /download/myenv-1.1.0.tar.gz # rm -f myenv # ln -s myenv-1.1.0 myenvIf you are using plug-ins for showMyEnvStatus create all the links in the new directory structure:
cd ${HOME}/product/myenv ln -s ../../utl/oem_agent.php plg/showMyEnvStatus/Replace the following files:
- cp ${HOME}/product/myenv/etc/variables.conf.template /etc/myenv/variables.conf
- cp ${HOME}/product/myenv/bin/myenv.server /etc/init.d/myenv
- Error with !includedir fixed (Bug #143).
- tput is hidden in interactive mode now. No more nasty warning messages.
- Start/stop script did not pass error code correctly.
- Timezone complain on myenv_start_stop.php fixed with temporary fix.
- Init script should not through errors on SuSE any more.
- Init script is improved. Myenv should only start if network is available (runlevel).
- mysqladmin complains now if my.cnf has wrong parameters and does not show the schema down any more.
- MYSQL_HOME was changed from basedir to datadir, consider this for upgrade, this is a significant change, impact is not clear!
- Under some circumstances up did not show all schemata, fixed.
- No changes.
- NUMA maps script from Jeremy Cole added.
- fixed for more than 1 back-end.
- For many backup types cleanup, archive and compress functionality added.
- Schema backup per-schema writes log pos now to log file and catalog.
- Binlog policy added.
- Backup structure is not created any more for cleanup and catalog operations.
- Binlog backup should work now with and without default location.
- Passing strange characters in password is handled more robust now.
- Schema names more robust with back-ticks.
- memory-table-check bug fixed.
- Command line is displayed in output (without exposing password).
- Cleanup of archivedir is possible now.
- Backup for configuration file implemented.
- Physical backup based on xtrabackup/mysqlbackup implemented.
- All exit's replaced by returns. Proper error handling should be possible.
- Backup logging implemented.
- Password from command line is not exposed any more to log file. Back-port from v1.0.5.
- Per schema privilege backup implemented.
- Catalog creation and catalog upgrade integrated.
MySQL Environment MyEnv 1.1.0 has been released
FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.1.0 of its popular MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server multi-instance environment MyEnv.
The majority of improvements happened in the MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman) where we added a backup catalog.
You can download MyEnv from here.
In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in MyEnv please report it to our Bugtracker.
Any feedback, statements and testimonials are welcome as well! Please send them to
Upgrade from 1.0.5 to 1.1.0 # cd ${HOME}/product # tar xf /download/myenv-1.1.0.tar.gz # rm -f myenv # ln -s myenv-1.1.0 myenvIf you are using plug-ins for showMyEnvStatus create all the links in the new directory structure:
cd ${HOME}/product/myenv ln -s ../../utl/oem_agent.php plg/showMyEnvStatus/Replace the following files:
- cp ${HOME}/product/myenv/etc/variables.conf.template /etc/myenv/variables.conf
- cp ${HOME}/product/myenv/bin/myenv.server /etc/init.d/myenv
- Error with !includedir fixed (Bug #143).
- tput is hidden in interactive mode now. No more nasty warning messages.
- Start/stop script did not pass error code correctly.
- Timezone complain on myenv_start_stop.php fixed with temporary fix.
- Init script should not through errors on SuSE any more.
- Init script is improved. Myenv should only start if network is available (runlevel).
- mysqladmin complains now if my.cnf has wrong parameters and does not show the schema down any more.
- MYSQL_HOME was changed from basedir to datadir, consider this for upgrade, this is a significant change, impact is not clear!
- Under some circumstances up did not show all schemata, fixed.
- No changes.
- NUMA maps script from Jeremy Cole added.
- fixed for more than 1 back-end.
- For many backup types cleanup, archive and compress functionality added.
- Schema backup per-schema writes log pos now to log file and catalog.
- Binlog policy added.
- Backup structure is not created any more for cleanup and catalog operations.
- Binlog backup should work now with and without default location.
- Passing strange characters in password is handled more robust now.
- Schema names more robust with back-ticks.
- memory-table-check bug fixed.
- Command line is displayed in output (without exposing password).
- Cleanup of archivedir is possible now.
- Backup for configuration file implemented.
- Physical backup based on xtrabackup/mysqlbackup implemented.
- All exit's replaced by returns. Proper error handling should be possible.
- Backup logging implemented.
- Password from command line is not exposed any more to log file. Back-port from v1.0.5.
- Per schema privilege backup implemented.
- Catalog creation and catalog upgrade integrated.
FromDual invites MySQL community to company meeting 2014 in Barcelona
FromDual holds its annual company meeting this year in Barcelona, Spain.
We are pleased to invite everybody interested in MySQL technologies (MySQL, Galera Cluster, FromDual Tools, Percona Cluster, MariaDB, etc.) to participate on Thursday evening September 11 at the HCC MONTBLANC, Via Laietana 61, to meet, exchange ideas and discuss MySQL related topics.
The event starts at 18:00, we will meet in the hotel lobby. The planned schedule is:
- How to Implement GTID Replication in MySQL 5.6 (25') and 5' Questions and Answers.
- MySQL backup/restore for anonymized exports (25') and 5' Questions and Answers.
- Break 15 min
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
- Break 15 min
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
Please feel free to send us your suggestion about your presentation. Any technical or non-technical MySQL related topic is welcome. For example how you use MySQL in your company or special problems you have faced and solved (or not solved yet), research work you have done on MySQL products, business cases you solve with MySQL products, evaluations or experience you have made, etc. For the proposal please send us a mail.
Please also send us a short notice if you plan to participate or join us with MeetUp.
This gives us the possibility to arrange and organize all the infrastructure with the Hotel.
The event is free of costs for all participants.
We are pleased if you can make it to the event,
Your FromDual Team
FromDual invites MySQL community to company meeting 2014 in Barcelona
FromDual holds its annual company meeting this year in Barcelona, Spain.
We are pleased to invite everybody interested in MySQL technologies (MySQL, Galera Cluster, FromDual Tools, Percona Cluster, MariaDB, etc.) to participate on Thursday evening September 11 at the HCC MONTBLANC, Via Laietana 61, to meet, exchange ideas and discuss MySQL related topics.
The event starts at 18:00, we will meet in the hotel lobby. The planned schedule is:
- How to Implement GTID Replication in MySQL 5.6 (25') and 5' Questions and Answers.
- MySQL backup/restore for anonymized exports (25') and 5' Questions and Answers.
- Break 15 min
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
- Break 15 min
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
Please feel free to send us your suggestion about your presentation. Any technical or non-technical MySQL related topic is welcome. For example how you use MySQL in your company or special problems you have faced and solved (or not solved yet), research work you have done on MySQL products, business cases you solve with MySQL products, evaluations or experience you have made, etc. For the proposal please send us a mail.
Please also send us a short notice if you plan to participate or join us with MeetUp.
This gives us the possibility to arrange and organize all the infrastructure with the Hotel.
The event is free of costs for all participants.
We are pleased if you can make it to the event,
Your FromDual Team
FromDual invites MySQL community to company meeting 2014 in Barcelona
FromDual holds its annual company meeting this year in Barcelona, Spain.
We are pleased to invite everybody interested in MySQL technologies (MySQL, Galera Cluster, FromDual Tools, Percona Cluster, MariaDB, etc.) to participate on Thursday evening September 11 at the HCC MONTBLANC, Via Laietana 61, to meet, exchange ideas and discuss MySQL related topics.
The event starts at 18:00, we will meet in the hotel lobby. The planned schedule is:
- How to Implement GTID Replication in MySQL 5.6 (25') and 5' Questions and Answers.
- MySQL backup/restore for anonymized exports (25') and 5' Questions and Answers.
- Break 15 min
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
- Break 15 min
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
- Quick presentation (15') of YOUR project or company.
Please feel free to send us your suggestion about your presentation. Any technical or non-technical MySQL related topic is welcome. For example how you use MySQL in your company or special problems you have faced and solved (or not solved yet), research work you have done on MySQL products, business cases you solve with MySQL products, evaluations or experience you have made, etc. For the proposal please send us a mail.
Please also send us a short notice if you plan to participate or join us with MeetUp.
This gives us the possibility to arrange and organize all the infrastructure with the Hotel.
The event is free of costs for all participants.
We are pleased if you can make it to the event,
Your FromDual Team
FromDual: Tools for MySQL and Galera - Backup - Monitoring - Operations
FromDual tools provide valuable additional functionality which facilitate and optimize daily operations of your MySQL databases. Since our last newsletter a lot of things have changed in the FromDual tools.
To the MySQL Environment (MyEnv) numerous improvements and suggestions of our customers were added. The most important changes were introduced to the MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman).
With the MySQL Ops Center we meet the wishes of our numerous customers, which desire a graphical user interface for operating complex MySQL environments.
These users are often little used in handling MySQL but want nevertheless operate more complex MySQL installations as Master/Slave- or Master/Master-replications.
In the MySQL Performance Monitor (mpm) numerous little bugs have been fixed which were reported to us by our customers.
Note: In our MySQL Service Contracts, Business Hour (5x9) and All around the Clock (7x24) the usage and support of our tools is included.
If you would like to know more about our service prices, we are pleased to send you an offer.
MyEnv v1.0.5
The MySQL Environment (MyEnv) gets more and more popularity in the MySQL eco-system. MyEnv is optimized for MySQL and mimics the popular TVD BasEnv which is popular with bigger Oracle database users.
With MyEnv you can easily consolidate several MySQL instances (mysqld) on one single machine. Thanks to MyEnv this complicated configuration is a piece of cake. Furthermore MyEnv is more and more common with customers testing their applications against different MySQL versions (5.5, 5.6 and 5.7) or different MySQL branches (Galera Cluster, MariaDB, Percona Server).
The most important improvements in MyEnv v1.0.5 are:
- Old PHP functions were replaced to achieve better compatibility with PHP 5.4 and 5.5.
- MyEnv overview (up) of installed MySQL instances was polished and numerous smaller bugs were fixed.
- Extensions for active/passive fail-over clusters and Oracle Enterprise Monitor Agents for MySQL were integrated.
- The user guidance of the MyEnv installer was made more user friendly.
- Problems of MyEnv with SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) were removed.
- The tools for MySQL Partitions were extended and improved.
All improvements in detail you can find in the Release Notes.
Here you can download MyEnv.
MySQL Backup Manager v1.0.5
The MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman) is actually getting most of interest from our customers. It significantly eases backups for MySQL for all different types of backups.
At this point we would like to quote a MySQL user:
"MySQL Backup Manager is a very nice tool! Congratulations for FromDual! I made my own shell script for catalog and maintained backups by xtrabackup, but mysql_bman is the best!
Xtrabackup + mysql_bman!!!"
In mysql_bman version v1.0.5 the following improvements were integrated:
- Security improvements (password is not exposed any more).
- Every instance can be tagged with a name and uniquely identified.
- The MySQL Backup Manager considers now the MySQL configuration file ~/.my.cnf.
- The compression of backups can be disabled to support de-duplicating drives.
- The option --no-memory-table-check was introduced to allow inconsistent backups with MEMORY tables.
MySQL Ops Center v0.2
Our MySQL customers have requested a simple user interface to operate and administer many MySQL databases. This is the reason why FromDual has launched the MySQL Ops Center.
The Ops Center can centrally operate and control complex MySQL configurations like Master/Slave or Master/Master set-ups, monitor, start, stop and reconfigure the replication.
With the MySQL Ops Center you can also start and stop easily virtual IP's and move them to an other host.
The most important features, which were added to the first public preview-release of the MySQL Ops Center v0.2. are:
- Starting and stopping of MySQL databases on remote machines by a central management console.
- Starting and stopping of the MySQL replication.
- Starting and stopping of a virtual IP (VIP).
- Fail-over of VIP from active master to slave (master/slave replication) or passive master (master/master replication).
- Configuration of the master/slave replication.
The MySQL Ops Center can be downloaded here. Further information you can find at MySQL Ops Center.
MySQL Performance Monitor v0.9.3
The MySQL Performance Monitor (mpm) was optimized in many places. Further know bugs were fixed and the mpm agent was made ready for the newest Zabbix version v2.2:
- Bugs related to sha/sha1 encryption were fixed.
- A stopped database is better detected now.
- DRBD informations were improved.
- New behaviour of zabbix_senders in Zabbix v2.2 is handled correctly now.
- New measuring points was added (Galera Cluster) and wrong ones fixed.
You can download the latest version of MySQL Performance Monitor from here here and for more information about the manual installation just follow up the steps on the installation guide. To check all changes and improvements of MySQL Performance Monitor check out the Release Notes.
Taxonomy upgrade extras: galeraBackupmanagermonitoringOperationsMyEnvfromdual_brmanFromDual: Tools for MySQL and Galera - Backup - Monitoring - Operations
FromDual tools provide valuable additional functionality which facilitate and optimize daily operations of your MySQL databases. Since our last newsletter a lot of things have changed in the FromDual tools.
To the MySQL Environment (MyEnv) numerous improvements and suggestions of our customers were added. The most important changes were introduced to the MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman).
With the MySQL Ops Center we meet the wishes of our numerous customers, which desire a graphical user interface for operating complex MySQL environments.
These users are often little used in handling MySQL but want nevertheless operate more complex MySQL installations as Master/Slave- or Master/Master-replications.
In the MySQL Performance Monitor (mpm) numerous little bugs have been fixed which were reported to us by our customers.
Note: In our MySQL Service Contracts, Business Hour (5x9) and All around the Clock (7x24) the usage and support of our tools is included.
If you would like to know more about our service prices, we are pleased to send you an offer.
MyEnv v1.0.5
The MySQL Environment (MyEnv) gets more and more popularity in the MySQL eco-system. MyEnv is optimized for MySQL and mimics the popular TVD BasEnv which is popular with bigger Oracle database users.
With MyEnv you can easily consolidate several MySQL instances (mysqld) on one single machine. Thanks to MyEnv this complicated configuration is a piece of cake. Furthermore MyEnv is more and more common with customers testing their applications against different MySQL versions (5.5, 5.6 and 5.7) or different MySQL branches (Galera Cluster, MariaDB, Percona Server).
The most important improvements in MyEnv v1.0.5 are:
- Old PHP functions were replaced to achieve better compatibility with PHP 5.4 and 5.5.
- MyEnv overview (up) of installed MySQL instances was polished and numerous smaller bugs were fixed.
- Extensions for active/passive fail-over clusters and Oracle Enterprise Monitor Agents for MySQL were integrated.
- The user guidance of the MyEnv installer was made more user friendly.
- Problems of MyEnv with SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) were removed.
- The tools for MySQL Partitions were extended and improved.
All improvements in detail you can find in the Release Notes.
Here you can download MyEnv.
MySQL Backup Manager v1.0.5
The MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman) is actually getting most of interest from our customers. It significantly eases backups for MySQL for all different types of backups.
At this point we would like to quote a MySQL user:
"MySQL Backup Manager is a very nice tool! Congratulations for FromDual! I made my own shell script for catalog and maintained backups by xtrabackup, but mysql_bman is the best!
Xtrabackup + mysql_bman!!!"
In mysql_bman version v1.0.5 the following improvements were integrated:
- Security improvements (password is not exposed any more).
- Every instance can be tagged with a name and uniquely identified.
- The MySQL Backup Manager considers now the MySQL configuration file ~/.my.cnf.
- The compression of backups can be disabled to support de-duplicating drives.
- The option --no-memory-table-check was introduced to allow inconsistent backups with MEMORY tables.
MySQL Ops Center v0.2
Our MySQL customers have requested a simple user interface to operate and administer many MySQL databases. This is the reason why FromDual has launched the MySQL Ops Center.
The Ops Center can centrally operate and control complex MySQL configurations like Master/Slave or Master/Master set-ups, monitor, start, stop and reconfigure the replication.
With the MySQL Ops Center you can also start and stop easily virtual IP's and move them to an other host.
The most important features, which were added to the first public preview-release of the MySQL Ops Center v0.2. are:
- Starting and stopping of MySQL databases on remote machines by a central management console.
- Starting and stopping of the MySQL replication.
- Starting and stopping of a virtual IP (VIP).
- Fail-over of VIP from active master to slave (master/slave replication) or passive master (master/master replication).
- Configuration of the master/slave replication.
The MySQL Ops Center can be downloaded here. Further information you can find at MySQL Ops Center.
MySQL Performance Monitor v0.9.3
The MySQL Performance Monitor (mpm) was optimized in many places. Further know bugs were fixed and the mpm agent was made ready for the newest Zabbix version v2.2:
- Bugs related to sha/sha1 encryption were fixed.
- A stopped database is better detected now.
- DRBD informations were improved.
- New behaviour of zabbix_senders in Zabbix v2.2 is handled correctly now.
- New measuring points was added (Galera Cluster) and wrong ones fixed.
You can download the latest version of MySQL Performance Monitor from here here and for more information about the manual installation just follow up the steps on the installation guide. To check all changes and improvements of MySQL Performance Monitor check out the Release Notes.
Taxonomy upgrade extras: galeraBackupmanagermonitoringOperationsMyEnvfromdual_brmanFromDual: Tools for MySQL and Galera - Backup - Monitoring - Operations
FromDual tools provide valuable additional functionality which facilitate and optimize daily operations of your MySQL databases. Since our last newsletter a lot of things have changed in the FromDual tools.
To the MySQL Environment (MyEnv) numerous improvements and suggestions of our customers were added. The most important changes were introduced to the MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman).
With the MySQL Ops Center we meet the wishes of our numerous customers, which desire a graphical user interface for operating complex MySQL environments.
These users are often little used in handling MySQL but want nevertheless operate more complex MySQL installations as Master/Slave- or Master/Master-replications.
In the MySQL Performance Monitor (mpm) numerous little bugs have been fixed which were reported to us by our customers.
Note: In our MySQL Service Contracts, Business Hour (5x9) and All around the Clock (7x24) the usage and support of our tools is included.
If you would like to know more about our service prices, we are pleased to send you an offer.
MyEnv v1.0.5
The MySQL Environment (MyEnv) gets more and more popularity in the MySQL eco-system. MyEnv is optimized for MySQL and mimics the popular TVD BasEnv which is popular with bigger Oracle database users.
With MyEnv you can easily consolidate several MySQL instances (mysqld) on one single machine. Thanks to MyEnv this complicated configuration is a piece of cake. Furthermore MyEnv is more and more common with customers testing their applications against different MySQL versions (5.5, 5.6 and 5.7) or different MySQL branches (Galera Cluster, MariaDB, Percona Server).
The most important improvements in MyEnv v1.0.5 are:
- Old PHP functions were replaced to achieve better compatibility with PHP 5.4 and 5.5.
- MyEnv overview (up) of installed MySQL instances was polished and numerous smaller bugs were fixed.
- Extensions for active/passive fail-over clusters and Oracle Enterprise Monitor Agents for MySQL were integrated.
- The user guidance of the MyEnv installer was made more user friendly.
- Problems of MyEnv with SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) were removed.
- The tools for MySQL Partitions were extended and improved.
All improvements in detail you can find in the Release Notes.
Here you can download MyEnv.
MySQL Backup Manager v1.0.5
The MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman) is actually getting most of interest from our customers. It significantly eases backups for MySQL for all different types of backups.
At this point we would like to quote a MySQL user:
"MySQL Backup Manager is a very nice tool! Congratulations for FromDual! I made my own shell script for catalog and maintained backups by xtrabackup, but mysql_bman is the best!
Xtrabackup + mysql_bman!!!"
In mysql_bman version v1.0.5 the following improvements were integrated:
- Security improvements (password is not exposed any more).
- Every instance can be tagged with a name and uniquely identified.
- The MySQL Backup Manager considers now the MySQL configuration file ~/.my.cnf.
- The compression of backups can be disabled to support de-duplicating drives.
- The option --no-memory-table-check was introduced to allow inconsistent backups with MEMORY tables.
MySQL Ops Center v0.2
Our MySQL customers have requested a simple user interface to operate and administer many MySQL databases. This is the reason why FromDual has launched the MySQL Ops Center.
The Ops Center can centrally operate and control complex MySQL configurations like Master/Slave or Master/Master set-ups, monitor, start, stop and reconfigure the replication.
With the MySQL Ops Center you can also start and stop easily virtual IP's and move them to an other host.
The most important features, which were added to the first public preview-release of the MySQL Ops Center v0.2. are:
- Starting and stopping of MySQL databases on remote machines by a central management console.
- Starting and stopping of the MySQL replication.
- Starting and stopping of a virtual IP (VIP).
- Fail-over of VIP from active master to slave (master/slave replication) or passive master (master/master replication).
- Configuration of the master/slave replication.
The MySQL Ops Center can be downloaded here. Further information you can find at MySQL Ops Center.
MySQL Performance Monitor v0.9.3
The MySQL Performance Monitor (mpm) was optimized in many places. Further know bugs were fixed and the mpm agent was made ready for the newest Zabbix version v2.2:
- Bugs related to sha/sha1 encryption were fixed.
- A stopped database is better detected now.
- DRBD informations were improved.
- New behaviour of zabbix_senders in Zabbix v2.2 is handled correctly now.
- New measuring points was added (Galera Cluster) and wrong ones fixed.
You can download the latest version of MySQL Performance Monitor from here here and for more information about the manual installation just follow up the steps on the installation guide. To check all changes and improvements of MySQL Performance Monitor check out the Release Notes.
FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL 0.9.3 has been released
FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 0.9.3 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL, Galera Cluster, MariaDB and Percona Server mpm.
This release contains various minor bug fixes and improvements.
You can download mpm from here.
In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in mpm please report it to our Bugtracker.
Any feedback, statements and testimonials are welcome as well! Please send them to
New installation of mpm v0.9.3Please follow our mpm installation guide.
Upgrade from 0.x to 0.9.3 # cd /download # tar xf mysql_performance_monitor-0.9.3.tar.gz # cd /opt # tar xf /download/mysql_performance_monitor_agent-0.9.3.tar.gz # rm -f mpm # ln -s mysql_performance_monitor_agent-0.9.3 mpmNo other upgrade requirements are known.
Changes in mpm v0.9.3 mpm agent- Typos fixed.
- Kill trap reports to the log file as well now.
- Example for timeshift feature added to configuration template.
- DB down not detected (bug #27/#138).
- InnoDB Status module: SHA fix (bug #139).
- Missing values in cache file fixed.
- No changes.
FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL 0.9.3 has been released
FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 0.9.3 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL, Galera Cluster, MariaDB and Percona Server mpm.
This release contains various minor bug fixes and improvements.
You can download mpm from here.
In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in mpm please report it to our Bugtracker.
Any feedback, statements and testimonials are welcome as well! Please send them to
New installation of mpm v0.9.3Please follow our mpm installation guide.
Upgrade from 0.x to 0.9.3 # cd /download # tar xf mysql_performance_monitor-0.9.3.tar.gz # cd /opt # tar xf /download/mysql_performance_monitor_agent-0.9.3.tar.gz # rm -f mpm # ln -s mysql_performance_monitor_agent-0.9.3 mpmNo other upgrade requirements are known.
Changes in mpm v0.9.3 mpm agent- Typos fixed.
- Kill trap reports to the log file as well now.
- Example for timeshift feature added to configuration template.
- DB down not detected (bug #27/#138).
- InnoDB Status module: SHA fix (bug #139).
- Missing values in cache file fixed.
- No changes.
FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL 0.9.3 has been released
FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 0.9.3 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL, Galera Cluster, MariaDB and Percona Server mpm.
This release contains various minor bug fixes and improvements.
You can download mpm from here.
In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in mpm please report it to our Bugtracker.
Any feedback, statements and testimonials are welcome as well! Please send them to
New installation of mpm v0.9.3Please follow our mpm installation guide.
Upgrade from 0.x to 0.9.3 # cd /download # tar xf mysql_performance_monitor-0.9.3.tar.gz # cd /opt # tar xf /download/mysql_performance_monitor_agent-0.9.3.tar.gz # rm -f mpm # ln -s mysql_performance_monitor_agent-0.9.3 mpmNo other upgrade requirements are known.
Changes in mpm v0.9.3 mpm agent- Typos fixed.
- Kill trap reports to the log file as well now.
- Example for timeshift feature added to configuration template.
- DB down not detected (bug #27/#138).
- InnoDB Status module: SHA fix (bug #139).
- Missing values in cache file fixed.
- No changes.
MySQL Environment MyEnv 1.0.5 has been released
FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.0.5 of its popular MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server multi-instance environment MyEnv.
The majority of improvements happened on the MySQL Backup Manager (mysql_bman) utility.
You can download MyEnv from here.
In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in MyEnv please report it to our Bugtracker.
Any feedback, statements and testimonials are welcome as well! Please send them to
Upgrade from 1.0.x to 1.0.5 # cd ${HOME}/product # tar xf /download/myenv-1.0.5.tar.gz # rm -f myenv # ln -s myenv-1.0.5 myenvUpgrade from 1.0.2 or older to 1.0.3 or newer
If you are using plug-ins for showMyEnvStatus create all the links in the new directory structure:
cd ${HOME}/product/myenv ln -s ../../utl/oem_agent.php plg/showMyEnvStatus/Exchange the MyEnv section in ~/.bash_profile (make a backup of this file first?) by the following new one:
# BEGIN MyEnv # Written by the MyEnv installMyEnv.php script. . /etc/myenv/MYENV_BASE MYENV_PWD=`pwd` cd $MYENV_BASE/bin . myenv.profile cd $MYENV_BASE; $MYENV_BASE/bin/showMyEnvStatus.php; cd - > /dev/null cd $MYENV_PWD # END MyEnv Changes in MyEnv 1.0.5 MyEnv- Schema output in up was still ugly.
- Instance output is split correctly similar to up/down display.
- Instance list is now shorter when short instance names are used.
- ignore-passive option added for myEnv to ignore passive databases in an active/passive fail-over cluster. Based on existence of datadir.
- Upgrade instructions have been improved and denormalized.
- Only display existing OEM agents, criteria is directory in oratab must exist.
- Up instances are not reported with missing mysqladmin command (Galera binary tar balls) but it was not visible what is the reason. Reason is displayed as an error message now.
- Lists each basedir candidate in a separate line when adding a new instance. More conveniant for reading if many basedirs are available.
- Insert instead of Append used for firewall rules. Only block load-balancer ports and not everything else.
- made more flexible.
- Cleanup job errors with missing target. Fixed for MGB.
- Password on command line is not exposed anymore to log file.
- Instance name optionally added to binary-log backup file names.
- Binary logs are not cleaned-up because they are not copied with bck_ prefix (Bug #143).
- Config file example in --help output done more nicely.
- More strict option checking implemented.
- All schemas with non transactional tables are shown instead of just the first one.
- Help typo fixed and example improved.
- --ignore-memory-table-check implemented to avoid error exit with MEMORY tables.
- Preparation work for blocking MyISAM backup done.